Lubbock Lemonade Day provides a free, fun, experiential opportunity for children to learn about entrepreneurship by running their own small business—a lemonade stand.

Lemonade Day teaches children life-long skills like setting goals, planning, prepare a budget, finding an investor, working with others, choosing a good location, problem-solving, interacting with customers, and handling money.

Children who earn a profit make decisions about spending, saving, and donating back to the community. After Lemonade Day, they evaluate their experience and brainstorm ways to improve their business the next time they open a stand—whether later that summer or the following year.

The program is designed for a caring adult—typically a parent, family member, or teacher—to work with the child. The adult helps guide the youth in making sound business decisions. Though designed for youth, Lemonade Day impacts entire families. Parents who have never received a loan watch their children do just that—and repay it. Children thrive on the meaningful interaction they get with their caring adults. Families bond and learn teamwork and financial literacy.

Opening a lemonade stand using this curriculum teaches children the fundamentals of sound business, financial literacy and management, problem-solving, logic, and customer service. It rewards initiative, hard work, and teamwork. It encourages creativity, interaction between youth and a caring adult, following through with a project, saving money, and donating back to the community.

The results are an increase in children’s self-confidence, their feeling of empowerment, and their chances of success in life. It is a breeding ground for our future business owners, community leaders, social advocates, and engaged citizens.

On Lubbock Lemonade Day we had numerous volunteers scouting for lemonade stands and reported 814 lemonade stands throughout the community.